FREAK install magnet

To get speed signals you have to install the magnet in the pulley mounted right next to the FREAK. You need two drills for this. One with a diameter of 2.5 mm to 3.5 mm for pre-drilling. Another with a diameter of 6 mm. Cut out the template from the enclosed leaflet and place it in the center of your roll. First drill a hole with the 3 mm at the point of the crosshairs. You can also drill through the roll. But then make sure to put a piece of wood underneath so that you don’t damage the table top.

Now the magnet can be pressed into the wheel. Pay attention to the polarity of the magnet. The positive pole must point outwards. You can download the “PoleDetectror” app for free from the AppStrore and Play Store. With this you can determine the polarity of your magnet! It is best to use your multi-tool, place the magnet in the nut and press in the magnet until it is slightly fixed. Then you turn the wheel around and press the magnet completely into the roll. Of course you can also use a vise.

It’s best to watch the following video!


FREAK install the mount

Mount on the board an go!


FREAK update firmware

Keep your firmware up to date


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